Entries Tagged as 'Continous Integration'
I am a big fan and practioner of automated unit-testing, but throughout the years I took my lessons. Starting with “everything has to be automated tested” throughout years I experienced situations where doing unit-testing is not optimum approach.
The presented sections go along with my favorite test-smells:
Brittle tests: Though functionality hasn’t been changed the test fails. [...]
Tags: Continous Integration · Software Engineering · Software Maintenance
While browsing through open-source project sonar’s test-code I noticed that they had package imports with Mockito namespace. What I noticed was that the mocking test-code looked similar to easymock but less cluttered and better readable. So I gave Mockito (version was 1.8.3 back then) a try when implementing new test-cases and did not regret it [...]
Tags: Continous Integration · Software Engineering · Technologies/Tools
TestNG offers many great features and is definitely more capable as JUnit to build a strong automated Test-Suite. When writing test-cases one important factor is the handling of test-data. With JUnit it is cumbersome to feed different test-data to the same test-code. TestNG solves this much better.
Let’s look at a very simple example. When [...]
Tags: Continous Integration · Software Engineering