SOFTWARE ENGINEERING blog & .lessons_learned
manuel aldana
Manuel Aldana

Entries Tagged as 'Continous Integration'

>June 16th, 2008 · No Comments

Avoiding xUnit test-errors (false positives, false negatives)

You are using unit-tests to ensure that production code works as defined or specified from the class-level view. This way you either get feedback that your implementation works as wanted (green-bar=success) or not (red-bar=fail). Unfortunately tests are also man-crafted work and can contain bugs. Following article shows what kind of test-errors exist and what [...]


Tags: Continous Integration · Software Engineering

>May 13th, 2008 · No Comments

Improving weak automatic test-suites incrementally

A key element for good quality software is a good automatic run test-suite, which contains both unit and integration tests. As Frederic P. Brooks already mentions in his book ‘The Mythical Man-Month’, developers (as other humans, too) are far away from being perfect. As software from the outside view often needs to be written 100% [...]


Tags: Continous Integration · Software Engineering

>March 18th, 2008 · No Comments

Tests: Why code coverage is not enough

To benefit from the principle of Continous Integration you need a good testing suite which includes both regression and new-feature tests. Regressions tests focus on testing features which are already implemented and shouldn’t be changed or influenced by latest commited changes. When software evolves such regression tests play a major role for the set of [...]


Tags: Continous Integration · Software Engineering