Following discusses the implications of big codebases. Codebase size can be measured with the well known ‘lines of code’ (LOC) metric.
The following codebase size and LOC metric scope is not fine grained on function or class level but for complete codebase or at least on subcomponent level.
Bad (anti-pattern): Codebase size as progress metric
Sometimes (though [...]
Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'
>May 9th, 2010 · No Comments
Codebase size implications on Software development
Tags: Software Engineering · Software Maintenance · Uncategorized
>December 13th, 2009 · No Comments
Extending source-code syntax highlighting
After all the decades of software development, and recently hyped trends (e.g. “programming in graphical diagrams”) plain text source code is still the most powerful way to build software systems. Regarding this a high degree of importance is readability and comprehension of source code. In fact you’re spending more time in reading as with writing [...]
Tags: Uncategorized