After 3 years of working with ClearCase SCM tool I came to the point that you should not use it for developing software. Surely it has its moments: The branching and merging capabilities are good and the graphical version tree is nice. Also the concept of the config-spec, which is a kind of query-language for [...]
Entries Tagged as 'Technologies/Tools'
>March 19th, 2009 · No Comments
Reasons NOT to use ClearCase
Tags: Technologies/Tools
>February 18th, 2009 · No Comments
Continous code improvement with IntelliJ scm-integration
As software engineers we get overwhelmed by the masses of bad-quality source code we work with each day. At this stage improvement of all these source code artifacts is a never ending story. To tackle this problem IntelliJ IDE goes the step-by-step improvement approach, where it runs actions and includes its powerfull code inspections on [...]
Tags: Software Engineering · Technologies/Tools
>May 21st, 2008 · No Comments
Considerations Eclipse (3.3.2) vs. IntelliJ IDEA (7.x)
To master frameworks (Spring, Hibernate, EJB, Struts etc.) and language-systems (Java, PHP, Groovy, C++) you need your “big” handy IDE tool which is used for many reasons: Inclusions of third party libs (dependency-management), trigger automatic compiles (if neccessary), automatic/safe refactorings, browsing code, debug, execute tests etc. (the list goes on forever). For that central IDE-tool [...]